New PIR Occupancy Switches with Daylight Linked Dimming and Corridor Function

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  Posted by: electime      6th December 2017

DANLERS range of passive infra-red (PIR) occupancy switches with daylight linked dimming (maintained lux level) is designed for lighting loads controlled by DALI, DSI or 1-10V dimmable ballasts.
These products switch lights on when an area is occupied and maintain a chosen lux level by dimming the lights in response to changes in the ambient daylight level.
There is also a “Run-on” timer (corridor function) which allows the light to return to a minimum background level following a period of occupancy. This can either be for a chosen period or as a permanent background light.
Each control has a switching relay, capable of switching 2 amps (500W) LED lamps and fittings or up to 6 amps (1500W) of most other types of load.
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