Awards Categories


Each category reflect the trade’s objectives that are common to all organisations. Your submissions will be judged against the achievements of all types of business – rather than just those of direct competitors in your industry sector.

Entrants should provide independent and robust data that supports the claims made.

Products and Services

  • Commercial Product of the Year
  • Industrial Product of the Year
  • Residential/Domestic Product of the Year
  • Lighting Product of the Year (Lamps/Luminaires)
  • Lighting Product of the Year (Controls)
  • Trade Tool of the Year (including Test & Measurement)
  • Training Resource/Provider of the Year

Projects and Installations

  • Renewable Installation of the Year
  • EV Charging Installation of the Year
  • Electrical Project of the Year

Contractor and Wholesalers

  • Wholesaler of the Year
  • Contractor of the Year (Turnover under £2 million)*
  • Contractor of the Year (Turnover £2 – 10 million)*
  • Contractor of the Year (Turnover over £10 million)*
  • Contractor of the Year Sustainability Award

To register your entry for free today. Free registration ends 28th June.

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For a step to step guide of how to enter, click here


  1. Commercial Product of the Year 
  2. Industrial Product of the Year 
  3. Residential / Domestic Product of the Year
  4. Lighting Product of the Year (Lamps & Luminaires) 
  5. Lighting Product of the Year (Controls)   
  6. Trade Tool of the Year (including Test & Measurement)   

These first six categories are presented for product innovation and development and are open to new products and to innovative developments of existing products.

In no more than 600 words your entry must explain: 

  • What is innovative about the product.
  • What sets the product apart from its competitors.
  • How it came about and why the innovation is needed.
  • How does the innovation benefit the user.

Please supply any supporting information such as brochures, press releases, reviews and client testimonials.

  1. Training Resource/Provider of the Year

This award will be presented for a resource created to aid those working in the electrical sector with their ongoing training and professional development, while enhancing their knowledge and encouraging best practice. The entries will be judged on the basis of innovation, quality of content and effectiveness. To enter, you must submit a maximum of 600 words, detailing the rationale behind the resource and its development, and how it assists those in the electrical sector. Please supply any supporting information such as brochures, press releases, reviews and client testimonials.

  1. Renewable Installation of the Year
  2. EV Charging Installation of the Year
  3. Electrical Project of the Year

Entries can come solely from an electrical contractor or jointly from a manufacturer/contractor.

This award will be presented to an outstanding renewable installation that has been completed in the UK during the last 12 months. The judges will be looking for innovation, use of sustainable and energy-saving technology, and adherence to brief and budget. Projects from all areas of the industry are encouraged to enter, either public or private sector. To enter, you must submit a maximum of 600 words, detailing the brief, implementation and successful completion of the project, drawing particular attention to creative solutions implemented to overcome project specific problems. Please supply images and supporting information such as architectural drawings or plans.

  1. Wholesaler of the Year

Wholesaler of the Year entry should include the following:

  • An introduction to the company, e.g. years in operation, number of staff, areas covered/branches, services offered …
  • Improved market performance, including sales growth and increasing market share.
  • Commitment to staff e.g. training and ongoing development, inclusivity, mental health and wellbeing support.
  • An explanation of what sets your company aside from other electrical wholesalers of a similar size.
  • Examples of how the company is keeping up with trends and technological advancements e.g. updates in customer engagement, stock management, digital sales and/or the introduction of sustainable practices.

Your entry should consist of a submission statement of no more than 600 words. In addition, please supply any supporting information such as brochures, press releases, reviews and customer testimonials. (Please be aware that  all  company  data will be treated in the strictest confidence by the organiser).

  1. Contractor of the Year (Turnover under £2 Million)* 
  2. Contractor of the Year (Turnover £2-10 Million)* 
  3. Contractor of the Year (Turnover over £10 Million)* 

*Based on most recent accounts submitted to Companies House at time of judging

These categories are open to contracting companies (electrical or M&E) operating in the UK. Entries should include the following:

  • An introduction to the company e.g. years in operation, number of staff, areas covered/branches, services offered …
  • Commitment staff development e.g. training opportunities, ongoing staff development, inclusivity, mental health and wellbeing support.
  • Improved market performance, sales growth and market share, along with explanation of how this growth was achieved.
  • An explanation of what sets your company aide from other electrical contractors of a similar size.
  • Examples of sustainable practices/advancements
  • Community activities or charity work
  • An explanation of the company’s biggest achievement over the past year e.g. notable projects, new premises, targets hit, new practices introduced.

Entry submissions should consist of no more than 600 words, covering the points above to explain why your company should be considered for the award. Please include supporting information such as brochures, press releases, reviews and testimonials from clients and details of annual turnover. Please note that any sensitive information included in your entry will be treated in the strictest confidence by the organiser.

  1. Contractor of the Year Sustainability Award

This award will be presented for contracting companies (electrical or M&E) operating in the UK who go above and beyond to prioritise sustainable installations and projects, and/or has introduced sustainable building practices and operations. The entries will be judged on the company’s commitment to reducing it’s impact on the environment. To enter, you must submit a maximum of 600 words. In addition, please supply any supporting information such as brochures, press releases, reviews and customer testimonials.

All entries should include the following:

  • Evidence the product, activity or project took place during 2023/24.
  • Personal correspondence regarding judging will not be entered into; the judges’ decisions are final on all matters.