Posted by: electime 21st February 2018
A survey, conducted by Considerate Constructors Scheme, has revealed an urgent need for greater awareness and understanding of air pollution in the industry.
The survey shows that 84 per cent of respondents acknowledge there is an issue with air pollution and 64% feel the industry isn’t doing enough to combat the problem.
In response to the findings, Considerate Constructors Scheme’s ‘Spotlight on…air pollution’ campaign provides vital resources to enable the whole industry to tackle the far-reaching effects of poor air quality.
There are many effects of air pollution. Most importantly, health effects on the workforce and general public include respiratory illness, asthma, bronchitis and cancer. Economically, the cost of health problems linked to air pollution is estimated to be more than £20 billion every year.
With some aspects of the survey results being quite encouraging, there are definitely areas for improvement and the need for cooperation within the industry to help reduce air pollution.
Hosted on the scheme’s Best Practice Hub, ‘Spotlight on…air pollution’ provides practical steps, case studies, resources and regulatory information to help the industry address these issues in the short, medium and long term.
The scheme, which visits construction sites about 18,000 times a year to monitor progress, is in the prime position to help raise awareness and understanding of this issue throughout the UK and Irish construction industries.
Contributors to the case studies include: Canary Wharf Contractors Ltd, Costain, the Institution of Civil Engineers, Interserve, Mace, Sir Robert McAlpine and TfL.
Considerate Constructors Scheme Chief Executive, Edward Hardy said: “A staggering 40,000 deaths a year are linked to air pollution in the UK, and many people are suffering long-term health problems caused by poor air quality. As construction is a significant contributor to air pollution, it is essential for the industry to put measures in place to clean up our air by working together to reduce our impact on air quality.
‘Spotlight on…air pollution’ will continue to be updated with more examples of best practice and case studies. If you have any ideas for additional resources to become part of the Campaign, please email to send in suggestions.
Read ‘Spotlight on…air pollution’ here.