Digital Marketing Agency releases Google My Business for Trades video course
Posted by: electime 22nd June 2020
Tradespeople possess vital sets of skills that will always be in demand. Buildings go wrong and need tradespeople to fix them. People have big ideas and need tradespeople to help bring them to life. Therefore, as a tradesperson, your biggest concern is that your potential customer is finding your company first.
That’s why Shake and Speare, a Bristol based digital marketing agency specialising in building websites for trades and construction companies have launched themselves into the world of online video courses, dubbed ‘Trades Toolbox’.
Starting with a video course on Google My Business for trades, they aim to deliver quality, easy to understand content that will teach tradespeople how to get their website seen by a wider audience.
Topics like Google Ads, Google My Business and SEO can initially seem like a large jumble of jargon without a guide. Trades Toolbox exists to help with that and coach tradespeople through these topics, step-by-step in no nonsense English. It’s important that you use the free tools available to you to promote your business; after all, having too many leads is better than having too few.
In their first video, Grant Robertson introduces Google My Business, including how you can get one and why you should have one. Google My Business is the perfect complement to your website and is one of the first places that potential customers will look for you online.
A well optimised Google My Business account can do wonders for your credibility.
Take advantage of what Trades Toolbox has to offer your business: Be Seen. Be Found. Be Hired.