Will you be the next Wholesaler of the Year?

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  Posted by: electime      29th May 2019

By the time you read this you will have already received your entry letters and forms for this year’s instalment of the Electrical Industry Awards. Entry for the awards is free so you really have nothing to lose!

With your letter you will have received details of the Wholesaler of the Year category, the criteria, and the format your entries should take, the details of which are in the enclosed brochure. Please send all entries by 12 July.

Judging will be undertaken by representatives from ECA, JIB, LIA, NAPIT and NICEIC, and the winner will be revealed during a ceremony held on Thursday 24 October 2019 at the Royal Gardens Hotel in Kensington. It’s a really lovely event, with amazing food, comedy, and the opportunity to network and socialise with the top players in the industry.

If you have not received your entry form, please email lisa.peake@purplems.co.uk or haydon.rainsford@purplems.co.uk

Further information regarding the Awards can be found on www.electricaltimes.co.uk/awards

We look forward to reading your submissions!