Support this men’s month from EIC

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  Posted by: electime      12th November 2020

This November is Movember and at the Electrical Industries Charity we’re highlighting some of the most prevalent issues facing men today. The electrical and energy sector consists of 85 per cent men and on average men are 12 x less likely than women to go see a doctor for both their physical and mental health. This month we’re highlighting prostate cancer, testicular cancer and how to check for it and men’s mental health. It can be difficult to discuss these issues and the Electrical Industries Charity want to stop the stigma surrounding the health issues men face.

While we often think of women as the victim of domestic abuse 786,000 men every year experience domestic abuse within their relationship. Simon, a 43-year-old electrician within the construction industry, sought assistance from the Electrical Industries Charity nearly 2 years ago. He had worked in the sector for 15 years before the owner of the firm decided to sell-up and Simon was left looking for a job. Alongside the stress of his redundancy Simon was struggling at home living in an abusive and controlling relationship.

Simon and his partner had been married for some years and had three children together aged 18,13 and 10. While they had been happy their relationship had deteriorated, and Simon’s wife had become extremely volatile with Simon. Their marriage was tumultuous and Simon’s wife often unreasonable. Two of their children struggled with disabilities, the eldest was almost profoundly deaf and his youngest had hip dysplasia. While Simon’s partner claimed numerous benefits for herself and their children, she refused to share this money with Simon, and he was left to survive on a small carers allowance.

Simon’s sense of self worth and mental state was at an ultimate low. His partner would demand him to buy food and force Simon to beg her for money for food and petrol. Simon had lost all confidence and was belittled, humiliated and abused daily in his own home. Prior to coming to the charity Simon had already joined a local support group for men living with domestic violence and it was here he was encouraged to file a police report and speak to social services regarding his children’s well-being.

Once taking these initial and monumental steps Simon felt confident enough to approach the charity and ask for help with his dwindling finances. Simon was unable to leave the home on a small carers allowance and was reluctant to go into refuge facilities. He struggled to find a job and found his allowance barely enough to cover his essential outgoings.

The Electrical Industries Charity awarded Simon a small financial grant to assist him with living expenses while he searched for a job. With this grant Simon was able to leave his perpetrator and moved in temporarily with his sister. The Charity supported Simon with a listening ear and continued financial assistance while he tried to re-start his life.