Every Second Counts… How quickly can you access a defibrillator to save a life?
Posted by: electime 4th November 2021
Aero Healthcare, are the master distributors of the most technically advanced defibrillators in the UK and have supplied the largest roll out of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) across the country. As industry experts, Aero Healthcare provide all sectors with a complete solution for top of the range defibrillators, coupled with experienced ongoing support.
Each minute of delay after a cardiac arrest, reduces the patients chance of survival by 10% and selecting the correct defibrillators for multiple locations is complex. Aero Healthcare’s specialists, pair each unit’s location and operating environment with the most suitable defibrillator features. And, a longstanding partnership with Stryker, the manufacturers of the extensive HeartSine and LifePak ranges, guarantees all needs can be catered for.
For more information on Aero Healthcare’s defibrillators and support services go to https://solutions.aerohealthcare.co.uk/defibrillators/ email sales@areohealthcare.co.uk, or call 01403 790704.