Bradford school bags prize for outdoor classroom

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  Posted by: electime      6th May 2021

Headteacher Chris Tolson and pupils celebrate the win

Children at a primary school in Bradford are looking forward to exciting lessons in their new outdoor classroom – thanks to a generous donation from a leading builders merchant.

The Academy at St James, in Allerton, is in the process of building the wooden classroom within its grounds. The project, led by volunteer and parent Chris Wardman, was handed a boost after the school won £500 worth of building materials from Selco Builders Warehouse through the Selco Stars competition.

Selco – which has a branch in Bradford on Tong Street – has awarded 12 good causes across the UK £500 worth of building materials each. Later this year, the dozen finalists will go forward for a public vote for the chance to win £5,000 cash. A second prize of £1,250 is also available to mark Selco’s 125th anniversary.

Chris Tolson, headteacher at the school, said: “We were thrilled to win the materials from Selco, it’s a huge boost.

“We are big on Forest School and we’re keen to build on our offering. This outdoor classroom will help us to deliver exciting and engaging lessons for our pupils for years to come, giving them the opportunities that they deserve.

“The £500 has helped us to buy the decking and the roofing.

“It’s exciting to be in the Selco Stars final. To win £5,000 or £1,250 would make such a difference and would allow us to work on the areas around the new building to make it even better.”

Carine Jessamine, marketing director at Selco, said: “The Academy at St James is clearly a fantastic school with a firm focus on its children.

“We are delighted to play a part in bringing their outdoor classroom to reality. It’s another great example of how Selco Stars is making a big difference to communities across the UK.”

Voting in the Selco Stars final is scheduled to start in the summer.

With hundreds of trade brands always in stock, Selco’s 69 UK branches are firmly focused on helping tradespeople complete their jobs as quickly and effectively as possible. As well as offering trade services, Selco also has a strong digital presence including Click & Deliver, a Click & Collect service and a new website.

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