New – on demand Product Data Sheets for wholesalers now available in EDATA
Posted by: electime 28th November 2022
EDATA, the data pool for the UK’s electrotechnical sector, has recently launched a Dynamic Data Sheet service for electrical wholesalers. Until now wholesalers typically contacted each one of their manufacturer suppliers separately to request product information but this latest EDATA development means that full-colour data sheets for over 160,000 products can be printed on demand in branches.
This is the latest development in the evolution of the EDATA Data Pool, which was launched in 2020 by the Electrical Distributors’ Association (EDA).
By logging on to the EDATA cloud-based portal, wholesaler branches can access product data and photographs from the 50+ (and counting) leading manufacturer brands. Downloading data sheets is one option as EDATA can also offer bulk download files which can feed ecommerce and business systems.
Margaret Fitzsimons, CEO at the EDA, said, “Wholesalers run busy branches and they tell us that one of their problems is the time it takes to contact each manufacturer separately to request product information. This new EDATA service solves that problem as wholesalers can be much more self-sufficient in fulfilling customer needs, whether they are using data sheets over the trade counter or as part of a tendering process.”
Richard Appleton, Head of Digitalisation at the EDA, added “These Data Sheets are dynamic, which means they are created on demand by pulling in the latest product information and photos stored in EDATA. Manufacturers are the guardians of their product information and it is a rolling programme to support businesses to realise the value of excellent product data wherever they choose to make it available.
“The concept of a data pool is relatively new to our market and we are seeing businesses respond by adjusting their priorities to allocate more time and resources to harness and develop product information.”
Access to EDATA is free to EDA wholesaler branches.