SELECT makes special film to show its support for the nation’s carers
Posted by: electime 24th April 2020
Staff and office bearers at the electrical trade association SELECT have saluted the work of the NHS and key workers by putting their hands together in a new film for the weekly ‘Clap for our Carers’ event.
The isolated workers filmed themselves clapping in a special compilation video that was screened on social media on Thursday 23 April at 8pm as part of the now-regular #clapforourcarers initiative.
Among those taking part were SELECT President Kevin Griffin, vice-president Donald W Orr and office bearers Alex Guyan, Alistair Grant, David Smith, Jim Cooper, Graeme Anderson and Paul Erasmuson.
Also shown clapping while they work at home were SELECT Managing Director Alan Wilson, Director of Technical Services Dave Forrester, Director of Employment and Skills Fiona Harper, Director of Resources John McGhee and Director of Membership and Communications Iain Mason.
Mr Mason said: “We wanted to show our appreciation for everything the NHS and other key workers are doing throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, so we thought we would make a film that would help us join in the weekly national clapping event that’s been organised in their honour.
“Many of us know key workers working in the front line, so it seemed fitting for us to show our appreciation like this.”
Staff and office bearers provided clips on their phones, which were then collated and edited together by Simon Organ of video production company Skills Player.
Mr Mason added: “With staff continuing to work in isolation, it was also a good way to do something together and see our friends and colleagues again. It was an enjoyable experience and we hope to do more in the future.
Others seen clapping in the video are Training Manager Jenny Cryans, Technical Standards Adviser Bob Cairney, Training and Development Officer Malcolm Duncan, Technical Adviser Stuart McKelvie, Certification Scheme Administrator Mary McSporran and Technical Administrator Susie Liddle.
Also taking part were Membership Manager Sandra Bennett, Events, Marketing and Communications Coordinator Linda Rolfe, Membership and Communications Administrator Anita Horeckyj and Membership Representatives Diane Hales and Emma Paterson.
ICT Project Manager Carolynn Shaw also contributed a clip to the video, along with Employment Affairs Adviser Nicola Jengaenga, Employment Affairs Administrators Gilian Hogarth, Riki Gillespie and Nicky Deighan, Temporary Support to Employment and Skills and the SJIB Alex Kerr, and Receptionist Adrienne Thompson.
Thursday’s event was the fifth week in a row that the initiative has taken place, with the first ‘clap for our carers’ held on Thursday 26 March.
While the first event was held in honour of the NHS, the 8pm event now pays tribute to all key workers including NHS staff, supermarket workers and teachers.
During the current pandemic, SELECT has created a dedicated COVID-19 hub, offering open source advice and guidance to contractors. It is also a key member of the Construction Industry Coronavirus (CICV) Forum, a collective of 16 industry bodies offering vital information and lobbying for protection of cashflow and jobs.
As Scotland’s largest trade association, SELECT has nearly 1,250 members businesses with a collective turnover of approximately £1 billion, employing more than 15,000 people and 3,500 apprentices. It also delivers a wide range of training courses and campaigns for regulation of the industry.
- Watch the clip here.