Posted by: electime 5th July 2018
Today’s launch of the Construction Sector Deal by Business Secretary Greg Clark has received wholehearted support from the Specialist Engineering Contractors (SEC) Group. SEC Group represents the largest sector (by value) of the UK’s construction industry.
SEC Group’s CEO Rudi Klein said that the Sector Deal was now a real opportunity to address the fault lines in the industry which have tarnished its image and damaged the prospects for thousands of SMEs in the industry.
Rudi Klein added that he was particularly pleased to see some focus on promoting a more sustainable business model for the industry and on developing an industry-wide definition of value: “The Grenfell tragedy and the Carillion debacle have highlighted the dysfunctionalities in procurement and delivery especially abusive business practices and the lowest price culture which have had a detrimental impact on quality.”
SEC Group will be urging the Government to set up implementation mechanisms to ensure that any changes will transform existing practice.